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synced 2025-03-03 11:19:19 +00:00
BETTERZON-99: Adding some basic cucumber tests (#45)
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,17 +10,24 @@
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<orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: io.cucumber:cucumber-java:6.10.3" level="project" />
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@ -53,5 +60,25 @@
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@ -13,21 +13,30 @@
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import stepdefs.Preconditions;
@ -9,4 +13,13 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class RunTest {
public static void setup() {
Preconditions.driver= new FirefoxDriver();
public static void teardown() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package stepdefs;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class Preconditions {
public static WebDriver driver;
@ -1,67 +1,68 @@
package stepdefs;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import io.cucumber.java.PendingException;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Given;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Then;
import io.cucumber.java.en.When;
public class PriceAlarm {
@Given("^the user has at least (\\d+) price alarm set$")
public void the_user_has_at_least_price_alarm_set(int arg1) throws Exception {
@Given("^the user has at least (\\d+) price alarm set$")
public void the_user_has_at_least_price_alarm_set(int arg1) throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the profile icon$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_profile_icon() throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the profile icon$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_profile_icon() throws Exception {
@Then("^the profile details popup should open$")
public void the_profile_details_popup_should_open() throws Exception {
@Then("^the profile details popup should open$")
public void the_profile_details_popup_should_open() throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on price alarms$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_price_alarms() throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on price alarms$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_price_alarms() throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm list should open$")
public void the_price_alarm_list_should_open() throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm list should open$")
public void the_price_alarm_list_should_open() throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm list should contain at least (\\d+) entry$")
public void the_price_alarm_list_should_contain_at_least_entry(int arg1) throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm list should contain at least (\\d+) entry$")
public void the_price_alarm_list_should_contain_at_least_entry(int arg1) throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm list should contain a maximum of (\\d+) entries per page$")
public void the_price_alarm_list_should_contain_a_maximum_of_entries_per_page(int arg1) throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm list should contain a maximum of (\\d+) entries per page$")
public void the_price_alarm_list_should_contain_a_maximum_of_entries_per_page(int arg1) throws Exception {
@Given("^the user is on the price alarm list page$")
public void the_user_is_on_the_price_alarm_list_page() throws Exception {
@Given("^the user is on the price alarm list page$")
public void the_user_is_on_the_price_alarm_list_page() throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the \"([^\"]*)\" button next to a price alarm$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_button_next_to_a_price_alarm(String arg1) throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the \"([^\"]*)\" button next to a price alarm$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_button_next_to_a_price_alarm(String arg1) throws Exception {
@Then("^a popup should open asking the user to confirm the removal$")
public void a_popup_should_open_asking_the_user_to_confirm_the_removal() throws Exception {
@Then("^a popup should open asking the user to confirm the removal$")
public void a_popup_should_open_asking_the_user_to_confirm_the_removal() throws Exception {
@When("^the user confirms the removal of the price alarm$")
public void the_user_confirms_the_removal_of_the_price_alarm() throws Exception {
@When("^the user confirms the removal of the price alarm$")
public void the_user_confirms_the_removal_of_the_price_alarm() throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm should be removed from the database$")
public void the_price_alarm_should_be_removed_from_the_database() throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm should be removed from the database$")
public void the_price_alarm_should_be_removed_from_the_database() throws Exception {
@Then("^a popup should open where the user can edit the alarm$")
public void a_popup_should_open_where_the_user_can_edit_the_alarm() throws Exception {
@Then("^a popup should open where the user can edit the alarm$")
public void a_popup_should_open_where_the_user_can_edit_the_alarm() throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the \"([^\"]*)\" button$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_button(String arg1) throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the \"([^\"]*)\" button$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_button(String arg1) throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm should be updated in the database$")
public void the_price_alarm_should_be_updated_in_the_database() throws Exception {
@Then("^the price alarm should be updated in the database$")
public void the_price_alarm_should_be_updated_in_the_database() throws Exception {
@ -1,52 +1,72 @@
package stepdefs;
import cucumber.api.PendingException;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import io.cucumber.java.PendingException;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Given;
import io.cucumber.java.en.Then;
import io.cucumber.java.en.When;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedConditions;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait;
public class SearchProduct {
@Given("^the user is on the landing page$")
public void the_user_is_on_the_landing_page() throws Exception {
@Given("^the user is on the landing page$")
public void the_user_is_on_the_landing_page() throws Exception {
//throw new PendingException();
WebElement logo = (new WebDriverWait(Preconditions.driver, 10))
@When("^the user enters the search term \"([^\"]*)\" and clicks search$")
public void the_user_enters_the_search_term_and_clicks_search(String arg0) throws Exception {
@When("^the user enters the search term \"([^\"]*)\" and clicks search$")
public void the_user_enters_the_search_term_and_clicks_search(String searchTerm) throws Exception {
WebElement searchField = Preconditions.driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".ng-untouched.ng-pristine.ng-valid"));
WebElement logo = (new WebDriverWait(Preconditions.driver, 10))
@Then("^the user should see the error page \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void the_user_should_see_the_error_page(String arg0) throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should see the error page \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void the_user_should_see_the_error_page(String arg0) throws Exception {
WebElement noProdsFoundMsg = (new WebDriverWait(Preconditions.driver, 10))
assert(noProdsFoundMsg.getText().contains("No Products found!"));
@Given("^the user is not logged in$")
public void the_user_is_not_logged_in() throws Exception {
@Given("^the user is not logged in$")
public void the_user_is_not_logged_in() throws Exception {
@Given("^the user is logged in$")
public void the_user_is_logged_in() throws Exception {
@Given("^the user is logged in$")
public void the_user_is_logged_in() throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should see a list of products$")
public void the_user_should_see_a_list_of_products() throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should see a list of products$")
public void the_user_should_see_a_list_of_products() throws Exception {
WebElement product = (new WebDriverWait(Preconditions.driver, 10))
@When("^the user clicks on the first product$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_first_product() throws Exception {
@When("^the user clicks on the first product$")
public void the_user_clicks_on_the_first_product() throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should see the product detail page$")
public void the_user_should_see_the_product_detail_page() throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should see the product detail page$")
public void the_user_should_see_the_product_detail_page() throws Exception {
@Then("^the set price alarm box should show \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void the_set_price_alarm_box_should_show(String arg0) throws Exception {
@Then("^the set price alarm box should show \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void the_set_price_alarm_box_should_show(String arg0) throws Exception {
@When("^the user sets a price alarm$")
public void the_user_sets_a_price_alarm() throws Exception {
@When("^the user sets a price alarm$")
public void the_user_sets_a_price_alarm() throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should receive an email confirming the price alarm$")
public void the_user_should_receive_an_email_confirming_the_price_alarm() throws Exception {
@Then("^the user should receive an email confirming the price alarm$")
public void the_user_should_receive_an_email_confirming_the_price_alarm() throws Exception {
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
Feature: Price Alarms
Scenario: Show a list of price alarms
Given the user is on the landing page
And the user is logged in
And the user has at least 1 price alarm set
When the user clicks on the profile icon
Then the profile details popup should open
When the user clicks on price alarms
Then the price alarm list should open
And the price alarm list should contain at least 1 entry
And the price alarm list should contain a maximum of 20 entries per page
Scenario: Show a list of price alarms
Given the user is on the landing page
And the user is logged in
And the user has at least 1 price alarm set
When the user clicks on the profile icon
Then the profile details popup should open
When the user clicks on price alarms
Then the price alarm list should open
And the price alarm list should contain at least 1 entry
And the price alarm list should contain a maximum of 20 entries per page
Scenario: Remove a price alarm
Given the user is on the price alarm list page
And the user is logged in
When the user clicks on the "remove" button next to a price alarm
Then a popup should open asking the user to confirm the removal
When the user confirms the removal of the price alarm
Then the price alarm should be removed from the database
Scenario: Remove a price alarm
Given the user is on the price alarm list page
And the user is logged in
When the user clicks on the "remove" button next to a price alarm
Then a popup should open asking the user to confirm the removal
When the user confirms the removal of the price alarm
Then the price alarm should be removed from the database
Scenario: Edit a price alarm
Given the user is on the price alarm list page
And the user is logged in
When the user clicks on the "edit" button next to a price alarm
Then a popup should open where the user can edit the alarm
When the user clicks on the "save changes" button
Then the price alarm should be updated in the database
Scenario: Edit a price alarm
Given the user is on the price alarm list page
And the user is logged in
When the user clicks on the "edit" button next to a price alarm
Then a popup should open where the user can edit the alarm
When the user clicks on the "save changes" button
Then the price alarm should be updated in the database
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
Feature: Search a Product
Scenario: User searches for unknown product
Given the user is on the landing page
When the user enters the search term "iPhone 13" and clicks search
Then the user should see the error page "No products found"
Scenario: User searches for unknown product
Given the user is on the landing page
When the user enters the search term "iPhone 13" and clicks search
Then the user should see the error page "No products found"
Scenario: User is not logged in, searches for known product
Given the user is on the landing page
And the user is not logged in
When the user enters the search term "iPhone 12" and clicks search
Then the user should see a list of products
When the user clicks on the first product
Then the user should see the product detail page
And the set price alarm box should show "Log in to continue"
Scenario: User is not logged in, searches for known product
Given the user is on the landing page
And the user is not logged in
When the user enters the search term "iPhone 12" and clicks search
Then the user should see a list of products
When the user clicks on the first product
Then the user should see the product detail page
And the set price alarm box should show "Log in to continue"
Scenario: User is logged in, searches for known product
Given the user is on the landing page
And the user is logged in
When the user enters the search term "iPhone 12" and clicks search
Then the user should see a list of products
When the user clicks on the first product
Then the user should see the product detail page
And the set price alarm box should show "Set price alarm"
When the user sets a price alarm
Then the user should receive an email confirming the price alarm
Scenario: User is logged in, searches for known product
Given the user is on the landing page
And the user is logged in
When the user enters the search term "iPhone 12" and clicks search
Then the user should see a list of products
When the user clicks on the first product
Then the user should see the product detail page
And the set price alarm box should show "Set price alarm"
When the user sets a price alarm
Then the user should receive an email confirming the price alarm
Reference in New Issue
Block a user