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synced 2024-11-22 17:33:57 +00:00
Patrick Müller
- Also adding lecturer entity and relationship between event and lecturers. - Preparation for CoreData refactoring
219 lines
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219 lines
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// RaPlaFetcher.swift
// DHBW-Service
// Created by Patrick Müller on 29.01.21.
import Foundation
import CoreData
class RaPlaFetcher {
public class iCalEvent {
var startDate: Date = Date() //DTSTART
var endDate: Date = Date() //DTEND
var summary: String = "" //SUMMARY
var description: String = "" //DESCRIPTION
var location: String = "" //LOCATION
var category: String = "" //CATEGORIES
var uid: String = "" //UID
var lecturers: [LecturerObj] = [] //ATTENDEE
public class LecturerObj {
var name: String = ""
var email: String = ""
// Get the RaPla file from the given URL and save the events to CoreData
public class func getRaplaFileAndSaveToCoreData(from urlString: String) -> Bool {
let file = getFileAsString(from: urlString)
let eventStrings = splitIntoEvents(file: file)
let eventObjects = convertStringsToObjects(eventStrings: eventStrings)
return saveToCoreData(eventObjects: eventObjects)
// Get the RaPla files from the given URL and return the event objects
public class func getRaplaFileAndReturnEvents(from urlString: String) -> [iCalEvent] {
let file = getFileAsString(from: urlString)
let eventStrings = splitIntoEvents(file: file)
return convertStringsToObjects(eventStrings: eventStrings)
// GET the file from the given URL and convert it to a String that is then returned
private class func getFileAsString(from urlString: String) -> String {
let url = URL(string: urlString)!
var file: String = ""
do {
file = try String(contentsOf: url, encoding: .utf8)
} catch let error {
return file
// Split the given ical file string into individual event strings and return them as a list
private class func splitIntoEvents(file: String) -> [String] {
let regexOptions: NSRegularExpression.Options = [.dotMatchesLineSeparators]
// Regex explanation: Matches BEGIN:VEVENT "Any character" END:VEVENT across multiple lines. The *? assures that we receive the
// maximum amount of matches, i.e. it makes the regex non-greedy as we would otherwise just receive one giant match
let eventStrings = UtilityFunctions.regexMatches(for: "BEGIN:VEVENT.*?END:VEVENT", with: regexOptions, in: file)
return eventStrings
// Convert an ical event String into an iCalEvent Codable object as defined above
private class func convertStringsToObjects(eventStrings: [String]) -> [iCalEvent] {
var events: [iCalEvent] = []
for eventString in eventStrings {
var lines = eventString.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
// Remove all blank lines that somehow are generated by the .components function
lines = removeBlankLines(lines: lines)
let evt = iCalEvent()
// Iterate over all lines and merge lines that have been split by rapla first
for lineNr in 0...lines.count-1 {
if(lines[lineNr].hasPrefix(" ")){
lines[lineNr] = String(lines[lineNr].dropFirst())
lines[lineNr] = ""
// Remove all blank lines again as we produced some while merging the lines
lines = removeBlankLines(lines: lines)
for line in lines {
var lineWithoutPrefix = line
if(!line.contains(":")) {
lineWithoutPrefix.removeSubrange(lineWithoutPrefix.startIndex...lineWithoutPrefix.firstIndex(of: ":")!)
//Date format: 20181101T080000
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'"
} else {
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"
let date = dateFormatter.date(from: lineWithoutPrefix)!
evt.startDate = date
} else if(line.hasPrefix("DTEND")){
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'"
} else {
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"
let date = dateFormatter.date(from: lineWithoutPrefix)!
evt.endDate = date
} else if(line.hasPrefix("SUMMARY")){
evt.summary = lineWithoutPrefix
} else if(line.hasPrefix("DESCRIPTION")){
evt.description = lineWithoutPrefix
} else if(line.hasPrefix("LOCATION")){
evt.location = lineWithoutPrefix
} else if(line.hasPrefix("CATEGORIES")){
evt.category = lineWithoutPrefix
} else if(line.hasPrefix("UID")){
evt.uid = lineWithoutPrefix
} else if(line.hasPrefix("ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;")) {
var lecturerName = line
let begin = lecturerName.firstIndex(of: "\"")!
let end = lecturerName.lastIndex(of: "\"")!
lecturerName = String(lecturerName[..<end])
let lecturerEmail = String(lineWithoutPrefix[String.Index(utf16Offset: 7, in: lineWithoutPrefix)..<lineWithoutPrefix.endIndex])
let lecturer = LecturerObj()
lecturer.name = lecturerName
lecturer.email = lecturerEmail
return events
// Save the given iCalEvent objects to CoreData
// Updates the events if they already exist and deletes old (/invalid) ones
private class func saveToCoreData(eventObjects: [iCalEvent]) -> Bool{
let existingEvents: [RaPlaEvent] = [] //RaPlaEvent.getAll()
var existingEventsDict: [String:RaPlaEvent] = [:]
for event in existingEvents {
existingEventsDict[event.value(forKey: "uid") as! String] = event
let newEventUIDs = eventObjects.map{$0.uid}
for event in eventObjects {
// If the event already exists locally, update it. Otherwise, create a new record
let evt: RaPlaEvent
if existingEventsDict.keys.contains(event.uid) {
evt = existingEventsDict[event.uid]!
} else {
evt = RaPlaEvent(context: PersistenceController.shared.context)
// Set default values for new object
evt.isHidden = false
evt.startDate = event.startDate
evt.endDate = event.endDate
evt.summary = event.summary
evt.descr = event.description
evt.location = event.location
evt.category = event.category
evt.uid = event.uid
for lecturer in event.lecturers {
let lect = Lecturer(context: PersistenceController.shared.context)
lect.name = lecturer.name
lect.email = lecturer.email
lect.event = evt
// Now we also have to delete locally stored events that have been deleted from RaPla
for localUid in existingEventsDict.keys {
// Locally stored event does not exist in RaPla anymore, delete it
let evt = existingEventsDict[localUid]
return true
private class func removeBlankLines(lines: [String]) -> [String] {
var newLines = lines
// Remove all blank lines that somehow are generated by the .components function
for line in newLines {
newLines.remove(at: newLines.firstIndex(of: line)!)
return newLines