
375 lines
13 KiB

import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import {Deal, Price} from './price.interface';
import {Prices} from './prices.interface';
import {BetterzonDB} from '../Betterzon.db';
* Data Model Interfaces
* Service Methods
* Fetches and returns all known prices
export const findAll = async (): Promise<Prices> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let priceRows = [];
try {
const rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, v.vendor_id, price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true');
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
let price: Price = {
price_id: 0,
price_in_cents: 0,
product_id: 0,
timestamp: new Date(),
vendor_id: 0
const sqlPrice = rows[row];
price.price_id = sqlPrice.price_id;
price.product_id = sqlPrice.product_id;
price.vendor_id = sqlPrice.vendor_id;
price.price_in_cents = sqlPrice.price_in_cents;
price.timestamp = sqlPrice.timestamp;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return priceRows;
* Fetches and returns the price with the specified id
* @param id The id of the price to fetch
export const find = async (id: number): Promise<Price> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let price: any;
try {
const rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE price_id = ? AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true', id);
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
price = rows[row];
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return price;
* Fetches and returns all prices that belong to the specified product
* @param product the product to fetch the prices for
export const findByProduct = async (product: number): Promise<Prices> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let priceRows = [];
try {
const rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE product_id = ? AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true', product);
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return priceRows;
* Fetches and returns prices that belong to the specified product.
* If type is newest, only the newest prices for each vendor will be returned.
* If type is lowest, the lowest daily price for the product is returned.
* Otherwise, all prices for this product are returned.
* @param product The product to fetch the prices for
* @param type The type of prices, e.g. newest / lowest
export const findByType = async (product: string, type: string): Promise<Prices> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let priceRows = [];
try {
let rows = [];
if (type === 'newest') {
// Used to get the newest price for this product per vendor
rows = await conn.query(('WITH summary AS ( ' +
'SELECT p.product_id, ' +
'p.vendor_id, ' +
'p.price_in_cents, ' +
'p.timestamp, ' +
'PARTITION BY p.vendor_id ' +
'ORDER BY p.timestamp DESC) AS rk ' +
'FROM prices p ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id ' +
'WHERE product_id = ? AND p.vendor_id != 1 AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true) ' +
'SELECT s.* ' +
'FROM summary s ' +
'WHERE s.rk = 1 '), product);
} else if (type === 'lowest') {
// Used to get the lowest prices for this product over a period of time
rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, MIN(price_in_cents) as price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE product_id = ? AND v.vendor_id != 1 AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true GROUP BY DAY(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp', product);
} else {
// If no type is given, return all prices for this product
rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE product_id = ? AND p.vendor_id != 1 AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true', product);
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return priceRows;
* Fetches and returns prices that belong to the specified product and vendor.
* If type is newest, only the newest known price for the product at the vendor is returned.
* If type is lowest, only the lowest ever known price for the product at the vendor is returned.
* Otherwise, all prices for this product are returned.
* @param product The product to fetch the prices for
* @param vendor The vendor to fetch the prices for
* @param type The type of prices, e.g. newest / lowest
export const findByVendor = async (product: string, vendor: string, type: string): Promise<Prices> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let priceRows = [];
try {
let rows = [];
if (type === 'newest') {
// Used to get the newest price for this product and vendor
rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE product_id = ? AND p.vendor_id = ? AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1', [product, vendor]);
} else if (type === 'lowest') {
// Used to get the lowest prices for this product and vendor in all time
rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, MIN(price_in_cents) as price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE product_id = ? AND p.vendor_id = ? AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true LIMIT 1', [product, vendor]);
} else {
// If no type is given, return all prices for this product and vendor
rows = await conn.query('SELECT price_id, product_id, p.vendor_id, price_in_cents, timestamp FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE product_id = ? AND p.vendor_id = ? AND active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true', [product, vendor]);
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return priceRows;
* Fetches and returns the best current deals, i.e. the non-amazon prices that have the biggest difference to amazon prices.
* Only the latest known prices for every vendor are taken into consideration so we only get up-to-date-deals.
* @param amount The amount of deals to return
export const getBestDeals = async (amount: number): Promise<Prices> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let priceRows = [];
try {
let allPrices: Record<number, Price[]> = {};
// Get newest prices for every product at every vendor
const rows = await conn.query(
'WITH summary AS (\n' +
' SELECT p.product_id,\n' +
' p.vendor_id,\n' +
' p.price_in_cents,\n' +
' p.timestamp,\n' +
' PARTITION BY p.product_id, p.vendor_id\n' +
' ORDER BY p.timestamp DESC) AS rk\n' +
' FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id WHERE active_listing = true AND v.isActive = true)\n' +
'SELECT s.*\n' +
'FROM summary s\n' +
'WHERE s.rk = 1');
// Write returned values to allPrices map with product id as key and a list of prices as value
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
if (!allPrices[parseInt(rows[row].product_id)]) {
allPrices[parseInt(rows[row].product_id)] = [];
// Iterate over all prices to find the products with the biggest difference between amazon and other vendor
let deals: Deal[] = [];
Object.keys(allPrices).forEach(productId => {
if (allPrices[parseInt(productId)]) {
let pricesForProd = allPrices[parseInt(productId)];
// Get amazon price and lowest price from other vendor
let amazonPrice = {} as Price;
let lowestPrice = {} as Price;
pricesForProd.forEach(function (price, priceIndex) {
if (price.vendor_id === 1) {
amazonPrice = price;
} else {
// If there is no lowest price yet or the price of the current iteration is lower, set / replace it
if (!lowestPrice.price_in_cents || lowestPrice.price_in_cents > price.price_in_cents) {
lowestPrice = price;
// Create deal object and add it to list
let deal = {
'product_id': lowestPrice.product_id,
'vendor_id': lowestPrice.vendor_id,
'price_in_cents': lowestPrice.price_in_cents,
'timestamp': lowestPrice.timestamp,
'amazonDifference': (amazonPrice.price_in_cents - lowestPrice.price_in_cents),
'amazonDifferencePercent': ((amazonPrice.price_in_cents / lowestPrice.price_in_cents) * 100)
// Push only deals were the amazon price is actually higher
if (deal.amazonDifferencePercent > 0 && deal.amazonDifference > 0) {
deals.push(deal as Deal);
// Sort to have the best deals on the top
deals.sort((a, b) => a.amazonDifferencePercent! < b.amazonDifferencePercent! ? 1 : -1);
// Return only as many records as requested or the maximum amount of found deals, whatever is less
let maxAmt = Math.min(amount, deals.length);
for (let dealIndex = 0; dealIndex < maxAmt; dealIndex++) {
priceRows.push(deals[dealIndex] as Price);
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return priceRows;
* Fetches and returns the lowest, latest, non-amazon price for each given product
* @param productIds the ids of the products
export const findListByProducts = async (productIds: [number]): Promise<Prices> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
let priceRows: Price[] = [];
try {
let allPrices: Record<number, Price[]> = {};
// Get newest prices for every given product at every vendor
const rows = await conn.query(
'WITH summary AS (\n' +
' SELECT p.product_id,\n' +
' p.vendor_id,\n' +
' p.price_in_cents,\n' +
' p.timestamp,\n' +
' PARTITION BY p.product_id, p.vendor_id\n' +
' ORDER BY p.timestamp DESC) AS rk\n' +
' FROM prices p LEFT OUTER JOIN vendors v ON v.vendor_id = p.vendor_id ' +
' WHERE p.product_id IN (?) AND v.isActive = true' +
' AND p.vendor_id != 1 AND active_listing = true)\n' +
'SELECT s.*\n' +
'FROM summary s\n' +
'WHERE s.rk = 1', [productIds]);
// Write returned values to allPrices map with product id as key and a list of prices as value
for (let row in rows) {
if (row !== 'meta') {
if (!allPrices[parseInt(rows[row].product_id)]) {
allPrices[parseInt(rows[row].product_id)] = [];
// Iterate over all products to find lowest price
Object.keys(allPrices).forEach(productId => {
if (allPrices[parseInt(productId)]) {
let pricesForProd = allPrices[parseInt(productId)];
// Sort ascending by price so index 0 has the lowest price
pricesForProd.sort((a, b) => a.price_in_cents > b.price_in_cents ? 1 : -1);
// Push the lowest price to the return list
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
return priceRows;
export const createPriceEntry = async (user_id: number, vendor_id: number, product_id: number, price_in_cents: number): Promise<Boolean> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
try {
// Check if the user is authorized to manage the requested vendor
const user_vendor_rows = await conn.query('SELECT vendor_id FROM vendors WHERE vendor_id = ? AND admin_id = ?', [vendor_id, user_id]);
if (user_vendor_rows.length !== 1) {
return false;
// Create price entry
const res = await conn.query('INSERT INTO prices (product_id, vendor_id, price_in_cents) VALUES (?,?,?)', [product_id, vendor_id, price_in_cents]);
// If there are more / less than 1 affected rows, return false
return res.affectedRows === 1;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();