
295 lines
8.8 KiB

import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
import {Guid} from 'guid-typescript';
import {User} from './user.interface';
import {Session} from './session.interface';
import {BetterzonDB} from '../Betterzon.db';
* Data Model Interfaces
* Service Methods
* Creates a user record in the database, also creates a session. Returns the session if successful.
export const createUser = async (username: string, password: string, email: string, ip: string): Promise<Session> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
try {
// Hash password and generate + hash session key
const pwHash = bcrypt.hashSync(password, 10);
const sessionKey = Guid.create().toString();
const sessionKeyHash = bcrypt.hashSync(sessionKey, 10);
// Create user entry in SQL
const userQuery = 'INSERT INTO users (username, email, bcrypt_password_hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING user_id';
const userIdRes = await conn.query(userQuery, [username, email, pwHash]);
await conn.commit();
// Get user id of the created user
let userId: number = -1;
for (const row in userIdRes) {
if (row !== 'meta' && userIdRes[row].user_id != null) {
userId = userIdRes[row].user_id;
// Create session
const sessionQuery = 'INSERT INTO sessions (user_id, session_key_hash, createdDate, lastLogin, validUntil, validDays, last_IP) VALUES (?,?,NOW(),NOW(),DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY),30,?) RETURNING session_id';
const sessionIdRes = await conn.query(sessionQuery, [userId, sessionKeyHash, ip]);
await conn.commit();
// Get session id of the created session
let sessionId: number = -1;
for (const row in sessionIdRes) {
if (row !== 'meta' && sessionIdRes[row].session_id != null) {
sessionId = sessionIdRes[row].session_id;
return {
session_id: sessionId,
session_key: sessionKey,
session_key_hash: 'HIDDEN',
last_IP: ip
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
* Checks if the given credentials are valid and creates a new session if they are.
* Returns the session information in case of a successful login
export const login = async (username: string, password: string, ip: string): Promise<Session> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
try {
// Get saved password hash
const query = 'SELECT user_id, bcrypt_password_hash FROM users WHERE username = ?';
const userRows = await conn.query(query, username);
let savedHash = '';
let userId = -1;
for (const row in userRows) {
if (row !== 'meta' && userRows[row].user_id != null) {
savedHash = userRows[row].bcrypt_password_hash;
userId = userRows[row].user_id;
// Check for correct password
if (!bcrypt.compareSync(password, savedHash)) {
// Wrong password, return invalid
return {} as Session;
// Password is valid, continue
// Generate + hash session key
const sessionKey = Guid.create().toString();
const sessionKeyHash = bcrypt.hashSync(sessionKey, 10);
// Update user entry in SQL
const userQuery = 'UPDATE users SET last_login_date = NOW() WHERE user_id = ?';
const userIdRes = await conn.query(userQuery, userId);
await conn.commit();
// Create session
const sessionQuery = 'INSERT INTO sessions (user_id, session_key_hash, createdDate, lastLogin, validUntil, validDays, last_IP) VALUES (?,?,NOW(),NOW(),DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY),30,?) RETURNING session_id';
const sessionIdRes = await conn.query(sessionQuery, [userId, sessionKeyHash, ip]);
await conn.commit();
// Get session id of the created session
let sessionId: number = -1;
for (const row in sessionIdRes) {
if (row !== 'meta' && sessionIdRes[row].session_id != null) {
sessionId = sessionIdRes[row].session_id;
return {
session_id: sessionId,
session_key: sessionKey,
session_key_hash: 'HIDDEN',
last_IP: ip
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
* Checks if the given session information are valid and returns the user information if they are
export const checkSession = async (sessionId: string, sessionKey: string, ip: string): Promise<User> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
try {
// Get saved session key hash
const query = 'SELECT user_id, session_key_hash, validUntil FROM sessions WHERE session_id = ?';
const sessionRows = await conn.query(query, sessionId);
let savedHash = '';
let userId = -1;
let validUntil = new Date();
for (const row in sessionRows) {
if (row !== 'meta' && sessionRows[row].user_id != null) {
savedHash = sessionRows[row].session_key_hash;
userId = sessionRows[row].user_id;
validUntil = sessionRows[row].validUntil;
// Check for correct key
if (!bcrypt.compareSync(sessionKey, savedHash)) {
// Wrong key, return invalid
return {} as User;
// Key is valid, continue
// Check if the session is still valid
if (validUntil <= new Date()) {
// Session expired, return invalid
return {} as User;
// Session still valid, continue
// Update session entry in SQL
const updateSessionsQuery = 'UPDATE sessions SET lastLogin = NOW(), last_IP = ? WHERE session_id = ?';
const updateUsersQuery = 'UPDATE users SET last_login_date = NOW() WHERE user_id = ?';
const userIdRes = await conn.query(updateSessionsQuery, [ip, sessionId]);
await conn.query(updateUsersQuery, userId);
await conn.commit();
// Get the other required user information and update the user
const userQuery = 'SELECT user_id, username, email, registration_date, last_login_date, is_admin FROM users WHERE user_id = ?';
const userRows = await conn.query(userQuery, userId);
let username = '';
let email = '';
let registrationDate = new Date();
let lastLoginDate = new Date();
let is_admin = false;
for (const row in userRows) {
if (row !== 'meta' && userRows[row].user_id != null) {
username = userRows[row].username;
email = userRows[row].email;
registrationDate = userRows[row].registration_date;
lastLoginDate = userRows[row].last_login_date;
is_admin = userRows[row].is_admin;
// Everything is fine, return user information
return {
user_id: userId,
username: username,
email: email,
password_hash: 'HIDDEN',
registration_date: registrationDate,
last_login_date: lastLoginDate,
is_admin: is_admin
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();
* Calls the checkSession method after extracting the required information from the authentication cookie
* @param cookie The betterauth cookie
* @param ip The users IP address
export const checkSessionWithCookie = async (cookie: any, ip: string): Promise<User> => {
const parsedCookie = JSON.parse(cookie);
const session_id =;
const session_key = parsedCookie.key;
return checkSession(session_id, session_key, '');
* Used in the checkUsernameAndEmail method as return value
export interface Status {
hasProblems: boolean;
messages: string[];
codes: number[]; // 0 = all good, 1 = wrong username, 2 = wrong email, 3 = server error, 4 = wrong password, 5 = wrong session
* Checks if the given username and email are not used yet by another user
* @param username The username to check
* @param email The email to check
export const checkUsernameAndEmail = async (username: string, email: string): Promise<Status> => {
let conn = await BetterzonDB.getConnection();
try {
// Create user entry in SQL
const usernameQuery = 'SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = ?';
const emailQuery = 'SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = ?';
const usernameRes = await conn.query(usernameQuery, username);
const emailRes = await conn.query(emailQuery, email);
let res: Status = {
hasProblems: false,
messages: [],
codes: []
const usernameRegex = RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]{4,20}$'); // Can contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _ and has to be 4-20 chars long
if (!usernameRegex.test(username)) {
// Username doesn't match requirements
res.hasProblems = true;
res.messages.push('Invalid username');;
const emailRegex = RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_.]{1,30}\\@[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]{1,20}\\.[a-z]{1,20}$'); // Normal email regex,
if (!emailRegex.test(email)) {
// Username doesn't match requirements
res.hasProblems = true;
res.messages.push('Invalid email');;
if (usernameRes.length > 0) {
// Username is a duplicate
res.hasProblems = true;
res.messages.push('Duplicate username');;
if (emailRes.length > 0) {
// Email is a duplicate
res.hasProblems = true;
res.messages.push('Duplicate email');;
return res;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
// Return connection
await conn.end();