6 Software Architecture Document (SAD)
Patrick edited this page 2021-06-26 23:09:04 +02:00

Software Architecture Document

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict different aspects of the system. It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions which have been made on the system.

1.2 Scope

This document describes the technical architecture of the Betterzon project, including the structure of classes, modules and dependencies.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbrevation Description
API Application programming interface
REST Representational state transfer
SRS Software Requirements Specification
UC Use Case
VCS Version Control System
n/a not applicable

1.4 References

Title Date Publishing organization
Betterzon 2020-12-06 Betterzon
Repository on GitHub 2020-12-06 Betterzon
Documentation 2020-12-06 Betterzon
UC Search for Product 2020-12-06 Betterzon
UC Price Alarm List 2020-12-06 Betterzon
UC Web Crawler 2020-12-06 Betterzon
UC Manage Vendor Shop 2020-12-06 Betterzon
UC Favorite Shop List 2020-12-06 Betterzon
UC Add new products 2020-04-17 Betterzon
UC Page administration 2020-04-17 Betterzon
SRS 2020-12-06 Betterzon

1.5 Overview

This document contains the Architectural Representation, Goals and Constraints as well as the Logical, Deployment, Implementation and Data Views.

2. Architectural Representation

2.1 Tech Stack


2.2 Class Diagram

As we use ExpressJS in the backend and Angular in the frontend, we don't have any real classes. However, for a clearer structure, the frontend is divided into two types of Angular components, "components" and "pages". The following diagram shows how these are connected. Frontend Architecture

3. Architectural Goals and Constraints

The Frontend and the Backend are split up into different components. The web crawler which will be developed later will be an independent component as well. This ensures maximum maintainability and the option to switch one of these components to a different technology in the future without having to rewrite the whole application.


One of the most important patterns we are using is the Observable / Subscriber Pattern in Angular. This is used to make asynchronous API requests without having the application waiting for the answer and hence blocking the user from doing something different in the meantime. To maintain a clear code structure, we are also using the proxy pattern to extend existing interfaces in TypeScript.


For the Database we use mariaDB as we already have multiple mariaDB servers up and running which we can use, which saves time because we don't have to set up a new server.


For the Backend we use a Node.js Server with ExpressJS. These are used to create a RESTful API in TypeScript.


We use Angular to create a single-page application. This application will connect to our RESTful API.

4. Use-Case View

Use Case

5. Logical View


The Backend is split into the different API endpoints, allowing for easy understanding. For every endpoint, there is a router class, a service class and some interfaces. The router class handles the incoming requests and sends the responses and the service class is used for accessing the database and performing other checks, such as authorization.


The components in the frontend are divided into "pages" and "components" with pages being the angular components that build a whole page and components being small template components that can be used on different pages when needed.

6. Process View

  • When the user opens our page, the angular application is downloaded to the user's computer. By clicking through the pages, the application performs HTTP requests to our backend to load the required data.
  • If the user wants to add another product, the backend performs a callout to one of our crawling instances, causing it to fetch the required product details.
  • The nightly crawling process is centrally triggered from one crawler load balancing instance. This instance sends requests to the normal crawler instances, distributing the crawling tasks across all available instances.

7. Deployment View

Deployment View

9. Data View

Database View

10. Size and Performance

The service runs distributed on two smaller vServers, so the performance will be anti-proportional to the amount of users. Given however that this is a smaller platform with an expected user count not exceeding 1000 per day, there shouldn't arise any performance difficulties.

11. Quality/Metrics

We use Jenkins as CI/CD server. Our Jenkins instance fullfills two purposes:

  1. Every commit is automatically built by Jenkins. The build status is then sent back to GitHub. That way, we can easily see if a commit contains changes that brake the application and fix them before we merge a pull request.
  2. Once we merge a pull request to master, the project gets built and deployed to our Webserver by Jenkins automatically

This way, we can assure that no breaking changes are deployed which would result in a website downtime.

12. Tools

We use the following tools for the development

  • Version Control: git and GitHub for publishing the code
  • Project Management: YouTrack
  • IDE: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate